Lapis Lazuli


Astrological Sign(s): Sagittarius

Chakra: 4th, 5th and 6th, Heart, Throat and Third Eye

Numerology: 3

Metaphysical: Dreamwork, Spiritual Attunement, Serenity/Calm

Lapis Lazuli is mostly Lazurite (Silicates) but commonly contains Pyrite (Sulfides), and Calcite (Carbonates) and other minerals.

Lapis Lazuli is associated with the Throat Chakra and speaking our truth. It is also wonderful for assisting in openness, inner power, love, purification and intuition.

Lapis helps one to open up to their psychic abilities. It is considered to strengthen ones mind and body. Lapis allows us to tap in to our own inner power while purifying the soul and thoughts. It assists one in contacting our spirit guardians.

Healing Uses: arthritis, bone marrow cell production, meditation, hearing

Products available online: Lapis Lazuli Crystals

Lapis Lazuli Crystal images


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