Realizing the dream
This post is an email from Robbyne LaPlant-Seaman, a Spiritual Messenger, Counselor, Teacher and Ceremonial Leader at Hope you enjoy it as much as we did.
We are each just one adjustment
away from realizing the dream
May and June are exceptionally powerful months. Individually and collectively we can utilize this amazing influx of light being gifted to us with each of the significant planetary events we will be experiencing. As a human race we are receiving assistance from the Masters and celestial beings giving each of us the ability to increase the light we are adding to the world in unprecedented ways and adjusting our reality to escape the illusion that has bound us in misery so that we can experience the dream and walk a path of beauty. In order to do this we have to clear our body temples to hold more light and that means we absolutely have to clear the old energies of anger, guilt, regret, betrayal, everything from the past that we continue to hold on to. Forgiveness and unconditional love is what will move us forward now. Anything else will weigh you down and keep you in the illusion.
When you focus on the NOW, your precious light is woven into the accelerating momentum of light unfolding throughout the remaining months of 2012. At this time your efforts are being amplified a thousand times and a thousand fold by your I AM Presence and your commitment to move forward. Moving forward does require completely letting go of your past life so you can live the life you were always intended to live. It requires making that one final adjustment. No matter what you have heard regarding the predictions of 2012, KNOW that the Light of the Divine is ALWAYS Victorious and YOU are that Light.
You have a vital role to play in the unfolding Divine Plan. You always have but just now you are completely awakening to that truth. This is the restless stirring inside that you feel. The absolute desire and need to fulfill your destiny. To be all that you were born to be. To be anything less serves absolutely no purpose and things are accelerating. Everyday you need to call forth your I AM Presence to unite your heart and mind with the Heart and Mind of the Divine Father/Mother, the God and Goddess. The divine spirit answers to whatever name you choose to call. What is important is that you call.
On May 5, 2012, we experienced the Wesak Full Moon, which was considered a Super Moon because it was the closest the moon will be to the Earth this year. This factor amplified the Gifts of Wesak.
May 5th also carried the numerological frequency of 5-5-5 since 2012 is a 5-year. There were many global meditations and gatherings that took place on that day to take advantage of this rare frequency. Numerically 5 is the number for rejuvenation on all planes and the birthing of new life. It is the number that carries the momentum of freedom, change, and new opportunities. The Light from these events is still pulsating in, through, and around every particle of Life on Earth and will continue to bless us throughout the month of May. It is also bringing to the surface things that must be reviewed, embraced and cleared through forgiveness and love. Many things are surfacing that have the potential to throw us off balance.
On May 20th, we will experience a very powerful New Moon/ Solar Eclipse, and on June 4th we will experience a powerful Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse. These two celestial events will lift us further into the Light in preparation for the greatest influx of Divine Love that we have ever experienced. On the day of these two events eat lightly and drink a lot of water. Avoid alcohol for the entire day as the energies will be very strong and will amplify whatever you are holding in your consciousness at this time. The gifts of the eclipses will culminate with the Venus Transit on June 6th. For those in New Zealand who wish to prepare for this once in a lifetime event I will be providing a workshop to support one in raising their own personal light frequency with the obsidian stone being and andara crystal.
This will be a critical step of preparation before the influx of Light that will bathe the Earth during the December 21st Solstice. Prior to this, the Solstice energy on June 20th through June 24th is providing yet another opportunity for circles of light to be created. It is at this time I will be holding the energy and weaving light into the cosmic spider web in Uluru (click here for more information) with a wonderful group of souls. It is difficult for us to truly grasp the magnitude of what this will mean for the Earth and all living beings as millions will gather around the world in the high energy points on the grid. Individually we will become a vehicle of light that will anchor the energy to awaken those still sleeping and open the hearts of those that have been closed.
Pay close attention to the opportunities that are presented to you. Ask your I AM Presence for guidance, ask this wondrous aspect of your own Divinity to pave the way, so that you will be able to fulfill your heart’s calling. Simply wake each morning and say the following… “Show Me… Guide Me… I AM ready to move forward”. These words will draw the Masters to you and guidance will be given if you enter the silence and stillness to receive the messages. Know that whenever you volunteer to serve as an Instrument of God and the Goddess on behalf of Humanity and ALL Life evolving on Earth, the floodgates of Heaven open to support you and to help pave the way for your participation. It is critical that Light workers from around the world join together to anchor the light that will be infused into the cosmic spider web during the times of planetary alignments. Trust your inner guidance. Your Light is needed NOW!
Continue to clear the remnants of your old story. That story will not serve you in these higher energies. The potential to create a new story for you personally and to birth the earth into the new dream has never been stronger than it is now. YOU WILL BE PUSHED TO MOVE FORWARD.
Every person will be in his or her right and perfect place. No facet of this Divine Plan is any more important than another. What IS important is that we each respond. The entire Universe is supporting us, as our responsibility is enormous. If we join our hearts together, no matter what our past story is, no matter what our faith or belief, no matter what language we speak or what we do for a living these planetary events create opportunities to seed the earth with a new dream, to heal our past and create our future.
To utilize the power of the solar eclipse that will occur on May 20th I am providing a powerful ritual to support you through the sometimes-chaotic energy that an eclipse can bring.
With Focused Intention put the Power of Words to Paper? – 75% of the words we write on paper do manifest especially when the energies are heightened at the time of an eclipse. Writing is a powerful way to focus our attention. Writing your intentions and desires on paper sends a strong message to both your conscious and unconscious minds that you are serious and committed to manifesting change. ? Even if you feel you have written down your intentions many times before and you have not realized your dreams. It is not because the power is dormant within you; it is because you have needed to clear the path. Hands that are tightly clinched holding on to the past cannot allow the new things you intend in. You must be absolutely unattached to your past and unattached to the outcome of what you are intending. The ritual is stating clearly what you intend and allowing the universe to rearrange itself to bring to you what you are intending. Often the intentions you receive may look nothing like what the ego mind has created. That is why when we are asked to let something go, or something does not quite come together as we thought it should, there is ALWAYS a higher purpose behind everything that occurs in our life. We just have to TRUST and move through the shadow. Not easy at times but if we ask, we will have all the assistance we need.
If you knew you would not fail, what would you do? Breathe this knowing deep inside and begin to dream.
To create an even stronger connection to manifest your dreams and the Universe, set up an altar that includes:
· Fresh flowers – white, red, orange
· A red candle
· An orange candle
· Bowl of water
· Plate to put candles on
· Red stone being (carnelian, garnet, ruby, or red jasper)
· Incense and any other objects/photos or pictures that reflect your dreams.
For extra power write with a red, burgundy or orange pen on white paper. Sit down with pen and paper in hand and write out in detail all that you want to invite into your life. ? Review your list, on a separate piece of paper write down a wish for you personally, a wish for your loved ones and a wish for your community and mother earth that deeply resonates with you. Fold the paper towards you, which symbolizes receiving the gift from the universe. Place your lists under the plate that holds the candle.?
Evoke the Power of the New Moon by lighting the incense to honor the air spirits, light the candles to honor the fire spirits, hold the bowl of water over your heart and invoke the spirit of the dolphins and whales, honoring the holy water by sending it love. ?Hold the red gemstone in your hand, take in a deep cleansing breath and on the out breath, state with conviction: ?“On this New Moon, I ask the universe to bring into my life the items I seek that support my journey at this time. Repeat the wishes out loud three times. ? Do NOT Blow out the Candles. ?Let the candles burn for as long as you are focused on your wishes. Let them burn out on their own. Save your list and when you write next month’s New Moon list, be sure to compare. You may find that your priorities have shifted as a result of greater clarity coming, or that some of your list has manifested. I will share more about the lunar eclipse on June 4th in another email.
I have now returned to beautiful New Zealand and was greeted as I flew in with a magnificent and vibrant rainbow that seemed to reach from the landscape to the plane. Confirmation for me that we continue to weave the web and unify the rainbow tribe.
Sending you love and rainbows from the land of the long white cloud, Aotearoa, Robbyne
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