Ruby Fushsite Kynanite Sphere KK799
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This is one off Ruby Fushsite Kynanite Sphere
Weight: 360 grams
The Ruby stimulates the Heart Chakra and assists in the selection and attainment of ones ultimate values. It stimulates the loving emotional side toward nurturing, bringing spiritual wisdom, health, knowledge and wealth. Ruby gathers and amplifies energy while promoting and stimulating mental concentration. An excellent shielding stone, it protects one on all levels and safeguards ones consciousness from psychic attack. It has been said that as long as one retains a bit of ruby, wealth will never depart. Ruby encourages to 'follow your bliss'. Ruby will light the darkness of life, giving birth to a spark of light which progresses throughout the body and spirit, conquering darkness on all levels.
Unconditional Love, Energy Amplifier, Stone of Service Fuchsite is a mineral of rejuvenation and renewal. Helps to spark the joy and sweetness of our inner child; reminding us that the vitality of youth, no matter what the age, is an attitude of heart and mind. Fuchsite assists in the process of clearing/healing the various levels of consciousness. It contributes to mental/emotional balance and tranquility and deepens compassion, understanding and acceptance. Fuchsite enhances tissue and cellular regeneration, improves ones recuperative abilities and influences the immune system. Attunement, Meditation, Amplifier In general, Kyanite will not accumulate or retain negative energies or vibrations. The energy of Kyanite is unlimited in application, making it one of the best attunement stones.aniteWrite Your Own Review
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